Training PSA
To grow and adapt to the changing world it is essential to always update training.
The PSA is structured to provide the customer with a complete service, able to satisfy every need.
Offers industrial automation services and professional training at different levels using specialised experts in thematic areas and in collaboration with certified agencies.
For years delivers, for public and private entities, vocational training paths and funded and continues to catalog.
PSA Corporation Ltd from 2005, Depending on their development strategies and in line with the times, decided to implement an internal quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001/UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.
Psa Corporation Ltd is an accredited Training Organisation to the Puglia region under art. 25 subparagraph 1 della Legge Regionale n. 15 del 7 August 2002 e s.m.i. and approved by Executive Act nr. 1856 of 05/11/2020 (code of practice N-4KY6UN5) – Official Bulletin of the Puglia Region nr. 74 of 06/03/2021.