Posts tagged Neet

Info thiab sau npe rau cov hluas Guarantee


koom Cov Hluas Lav Tau Tau:

Equip koj tus kheej dello SPID.
Xyuas npe nkag ntawm qhov chaw los yog ntawm qhov chaw nres nkoj Puglia System.
Compile peb li DAIM NTAWV PAJ LAUM yuav tsum ua HU RAU

Qhov no PSA CORPORATION yog thaum koj pov tseg rau clarifications thiab txhawb nyob rau hauv cov txheej txheem accession.

Tom qab ua tus sau peb daim ntawv uas koj yuav tau hu kom sai li sai tau los ntawm peb tswj thiab koj yuav tau muab ib lub tswv yim txog ntawm KEV PAUB TAB, KEV UA NTAWV Thiab QHOV CHAW KAWM HAUJ LWM raws li koj profile thiab kev txawj ntse.

Nyeem ntxiv....

Peb txoj kev cob qhia muaj: HANDICRAFT

Peb tam sim no xaiv xya xaiv cov hluas Guarantee courses: Sector HANDICRAFT

  • Sewing thiab Artisan Tailoring
  • qauv
  • Pruning thiab Grafting ntawm Olive thiab txiv hmab txiv ntoo ntoo
  • Muag hlau muag hlau
  • Plastering thiab Plastering Txheej Txheem
  • Hydro-thermo-roj cog engineer

Yog xav paub ntxiv xa ib tug email rau nrog koj cov lus los yog sau rau hauv peb cov lus ib daim ntawv.

Xwb Hu qhov 0884 549411 los sis Los xyuas peb hauv peb lub hauv paus loj Manfredonia (FG) Via Euclide, Tsam Ind. Pip Lotto 4 ib hnub tom qab ntawd:

- qhov Sawv ntxov Ntawm Hnub Ib ntawm Hnub vas Xuv teev 9.00 mus rau 13.00

Nyeem ntxiv....

Peb txoj kev cob qhia muaj: LOM ZE


Peb tam sim no rau xaiv cov hluas Guarantee courses: Sector LOM ZE

  • Catering Chav Attendant los yog Waiter
  • Chav Ua Mov Attendant
  • Catering Attendant
  • Pizzaiolo
  • Bartender / barman
  • Npaj bakery khoom (Specialties specialties)

Yog xav paub ntxiv xa ib tug email rau nrog koj cov lus los yog sau rau hauv peb cov lus ib daim ntawv.

Xwb Hu qhov 0884 549411 los sis Los xyuas peb hauv peb lub hauv paus loj Manfredonia (FG) Via Euclide, Tsam Ind. Pip Lotto 4 ib hnub tom qab ntawd:

- qhov Sawv ntxov Ntawm Hnub Ib ntawm Hnub vas Xuv teev 9.00 mus rau 13.00

Nyeem ntxiv....

Peb txoj kev cob qhia muaj: AUTOMATION


Peb tam sim no tus fifth xaiv cov hluas Guarantee courses: Sector AUTOMATION

  • Kws Kho Mob Kho Mob
  • CNC Tshuab neeg teb xov tooj
  • Mechatronics, Electronics thiab Robotics
  • Txheej txheem thiab Methodologies rau Industrial Automation

Yog xav paub ntxiv xa ib tug email rau nrog koj cov lus los yog sau rau hauv peb cov lus ib daim ntawv.

Xwb Hu qhov 0884 549411 los sis Los xyuas peb hauv peb lub hauv paus loj Manfredonia (FG) Via Euclide, Tsam Ind. Pip Lotto 4 ib hnub tom qab ntawd:

- qhov Sawv ntxov Ntawm Hnub Ib ntawm Hnub vas Xuv teev 9.00 mus rau 13.00

Nyeem ntxiv....



Peb tam sim no tus plaub xaiv cov hluas Guarantee courses: Sector KOOM HAUM SAIB XYUAS THIAB SECRETARIAT

  • Administrative Attaché
  • Payroll thiab Contributions
  • Secretariat rau cov chaw ua hauj lwm raws li txoj cai thiab kev npe
  • Secretarial Collaborator
  • Chaw ua hauj lwm Automation Operator
  • Koom haum saib xyuas txog nyiaj thiab Accounting

Yog xav paub ntxiv xa ib tug email rau nrog koj cov lus los yog sau rau hauv peb cov lus ib daim ntawv.

Xwb Hu qhov 0884 549411 los sis Los xyuas peb hauv peb lub hauv paus loj Manfredonia (FG) Via Euclide, Tsam Ind. Pip Lotto 4 ib hnub tom qab ntawd:

Nyeem ntxiv....

Peb txoj kev cob qhia muaj: KEV KAWM TXOG YAM XEEB TXAWM


Peb tam sim no thawj xaiv cov hluas Guarantee courses: Sector KEV KAWM TXOG YAM XEEB TXAWM

  • nruab nrab, tu vaj tu tsev, Computer Network Repair
  • EIPASS nyob sab Europe Informatics Phau Passport (7 Modules + hnyav)
  • Software Programming and Development Technician
  • Web Programming and Development
  • PC los ua ke thiab Maintenance


Yog xav paub ntxiv xa ib tug email rau nrog koj cov lus los yog sau rau hauv peb cov lus ib daim ntawv.

Xwb Hu qhov 0884 549411 los sis Los xyuas peb hauv peb lub hauv paus loj Manfredonia (FG) Via Euclide, Tsam Ind. Pip Lotto 4 ib hnub tom qab ntawd:

- qhov Sawv ntxov Ntawm Hnub Ib ntawm Hnub vas Xuv teev 9.00 mus rau 13.00

Nyeem ntxiv....

Riparte Garanzia Giovani


Sei un giovane tra i 15 e i 29 anni, vivi nella provincia di Foggia e non sei impegnato in un’attività lavorativa né inserito in un corso scolastico o formativo?

Potrai avvalerti della formazione gratuita e tirocini retribuiti, entrando a far parte del progetto della Regione Puglia di Cov Hluas Lav Tau.

Per entrare a far parte del progetto Garanzia Giovani, non devi essere occupato e non devi essere iscritto ad alcun corso di studi.

Nyeem ntxiv....

Mus rau saum